Little Girl Feeds Controls 6 Pit Bull Dogs
Is there anything more adorable than a puppy? We don't think so. Puppies of all kinds make you squeal with delight, and you just have to stop and pet them — you really just don't have any choice!
But of all the breeds out there – and there are around 200 – there are few that are cuter than a Pit Bull puppy. While Pit Bulls have unfairly gained a reputation for being naturally aggressive — which isn't true, by the way — they are actually super sweet and loving family companions. Not to mention adorable! Not convinced? Here are five things that we love about Pit Bull puppies, and think that you will too.
#1) Their Sweet Little Faces

I mean, really. Is there anything on Earth that is cuter than the sweet little face of a Pit Bull puppy? Whether it is merle, blue, white, black, or any other of the many different colors that they come in, Pit Bull puppies have some of the cutest, squishiest, most kissable faces out there.
Plus, besides those perfect little chubby faces, Pit Bull puppies are notorious for having "puppy breath." If you haven't experienced this phenomenon before, you're in for quite the treat. Puppy breath is often described as a sweet, biscuity smell that is specific only to the puppy phase of doghood.
While the biological reason that puppies have that specific smelling breath is less exciting – it's a combination of the unique bacteria in their mouths, the food that they eat, and the fact that their teeth are still super clean – the why doesn't really matter all that much.
Pit Bull puppies are so cute that they may actually trigger a response known as "cute aggression." Psychologically, the brain really can only handle so much cuteness. Once it hits that magical threshold, something triggers it, and suddenly you think about squishing said cute thing – like really squish it. That doesn't mean that you actually want to do it, but cute aggression gives you the urge. This idea has been the subject of plenty of different studies, so what you're feeling is a known response that you shouldn't feel guilty about – just don't act on it!

Although " Pit Bull" is actually a term that refers to multiple different breeds of dogs (American Bulldogs, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, etc.), the end result is the same… they are all terriers. If you know anything about terriers, you probably already know what that means.
Terriers are known for being balls of energy. Many terrier owners refer to them as having only two settings – sleep and go. The only thing that can really stop a terrier from moving around is when they are sleeping, which they will often do in incredibly adorable positions.
Because of that, it's really important to make sure that you plan ahead and have an outlet for your Pit Bull puppy to channel that energy into. That could be structured playtime, daily walks, or just tossing a ball around in the backyard after work; making sure that you give them the ability to run out of their energy can be a great way to stop them from destroying your house. Pitties, as they are called by those that love them best, also love sporting and agility courses. It lets them work both their brain and their body and will leave them exhausted at the end of the day.
Crate training is a great idea if you need to leave them alone for short periods of time. Starting their crate training when they're puppies can help make the transition a lot easier, and soon your Pitt Bull will learn to see their crate as their safe place.
#3) They Are Easy to Train

As adorable as they are, Pit Bull puppies are also super intelligent. There is a reason that they have been used for decades as the dog of choice for movies and television — Pit Bulls are easy to train because they are so easily motivated!
Working with your puppy during the training process not only keeps them mentally engaged — and less destructive — it also helps create an even deeper bond between you and your dog. When you use positive reinforcement training, are kind but firm, your Pit Bull will begin to see you as their natural pack leader and look to you as the "boss." Keep in mind that these dogs are also known for having a serious stubborn streak, so be prepared to hold firm even when they test you — and they will!
Pit Bulls are also very tenacious. When a Pitt Bull sets his or her mind to doing something, they will absolutely not give up. This can be a good thing if you know how to correctly harness that energy and channel it in the right direction, but not quite as good if they get started with any bad habits.
If you're new to Pit Bull ownership, it might be worthwhile to attend a puppy training class or hire an obedience trainer to teach you the basics. Once you understand the best practices and can confidently implement them on your own, the sky is the limit with the tricks you can teach them.
#4) Pit Bull Puppies Are Cuddle Buddies

When your Pit Bull puppy does calm down, you should expect them to want to be as close to you as possible. Pit Bulls aren't just dogs; they're members of the family. In fact, most Pit Bulls don't really even know that they're dogs. They really do want to be involved in anything that you're doing at all times.
That has a lot to do with why they are such cuddle buddies. When they've bonded with a person, they see them as their pack leader. And in any natural dog pack, when there is a natural leader, the rest of the dogs follow them unquestionably. Being physically close to you makes them feel safe and cared for, so they'll literally stick by you for their entire lives.
If you live in a colder environment, you may want to consider buying a coat for your Pit Bull during the winter. These dogs can definitely get cold quickly, and they'll be even more velcroed to you when the temperature starts to drop. Even though they may be big and full of muscle, they can definitely be big babies in the cold weather, especially when they're puppies. A warm coat can really help, plus they'll look even more adorable — which we didn't think was possible!
The Pit Bull's need to cuddle is good for you, too! When you spend time cuddling with a loved one (and yes, puppies count!), it releases a variety of happy hormones like oxytocin. When your body is flooded with oxytocin (and dopamine and serotonin), it helps reduce stress, anxiety, and depression! If you're feeling sad, give your Pit Bull puppy a snuggle. It'll literally help you feel better, and will further cement the bond the two of you have in the process.
#5) They Grow Into Adult Pit Bulls

While nothing can be as cute as a Pit Bull puppy, they all grow up into adults eventually. The great news is, Pit Bulls are just as cute as adults! While they may not have that sweet puppy breath anymore, they more than make up for it with their endless well of loyalty and devotion.
Even though Pit Bulls have an unfair and unearned reputation as being mean and aggressive, there is a reason that they used to be known as "nanny dogs." These dogs may look like big beasts, but they are sweet-tempered and loving. They also make great therapy dogs because they are known for being empathetic and able to pick up on human emotion much more easily than a lot of other breeds. It's just one of the many awesome things about these dogs; once you really get a chance to know and love one, you'll see that all those negative stereotypes are just plain wrong.
For instance, Pit Bulls don't actually have locking jaws. Their jaws are just the same as every other dog out there. The reason they have gained that reputation is because of their endless tenacity. While their jaws don't lock, it may sometimes feel like it when they really put their mind to something. Try playing tug of war with a Pit Bull… it's not over until THEY say it's over!
In Summary
Pit Bull puppies are one of the most adorable, perfect beings on the planet. With their cute, squishy faces, their need to be by your side, and their endless sources of playful energy, they are one of the best dogs for both single people and families alike. Don't let their unearned bad reputation fool you; if you're looking for the perfect dog, Pit Bulls are the way to go.
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